Struggle to Create Healthy Habits?

Struggle to Create Healthy Habits?

       Going to work, calling back your mom, making dinner, running errands, or whatever task fills your day can be time-consuming. By the end of the night are you reflecting on your day feeling unfulfilled and exhausted? If your sense does not feels proud of the work you have done and feel like you could do more maybe it's time to go with and focus on building strong healthy habits.
     The first step in establishing your healthy habits is defining what you need. Your needs might be quite different than your best friends' needs or siblings. Everyone functions differently and needs to honor themselves in different ways.  If you need to feel better and feel loved as most people do then here are my
suggestions for healthy habits to start incorporating if you have not already.
   Movement is needed. This does not mean you need to be lifting weights all the time at 5 am. Movement looks different for everyone it could be yoga, pilates, walking, a dance class, or better yet a dance party in your living room blasting your favorite music  
   Mindfulness is life-changing. Technology and distractions can easily take over. Being able to set them aside and appreciate the moment for what it is can instantly help you feel refreshed and motivated. You can do mindfulness exercises, meditate, or do an activity that gets you in a flow state. 
   Positive self-talk. How you speak to yourself is important it sets the tone for how you want others to treat you and the respect you believe you deserve. You need to establish a good relationship with yourself for the other habits to feel more rewarding. This can be done by journaling or affirmations.
    No matter where you are in life or what you have going on being able to decide what you need and create habits to help you feel stable and worthy within are important.  Figure out your needs today and search for pockets of time in your schedule where you can work these things in. I believe in you! 
Lots of Love,
           Shalyn + Rylee
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